Thursday 9 December 2010

final illustration! i never actually put it up!!!

i lost the orginal so i had to completely recolour the image, anyhow here it is

final portfolio pages

i changed around some colours and swapped the front and back covers i was quite happy with it. if i was to finalize this idea to send out then there are a few more changes i would make.
firstly i would have each section as a postcard, this why i could hand them out as pieces with my info on, but i could combine the cards into one booklet if i was going to a client, secondly i would chnage the size and boarders. but other than this im quite happy.

POINTS ID LIKE TO ADD... the top section of every DPS will always make sense i.e if on the illustration brief page the recto page shows the illustration and so on for the other pages. the bottom pages are just visual..

portfolio idea continued...

so i would create half a4 pages and slice them in the middle, once wired bound the reader can read through it properly then chose to flcik the pages in any order creating ne pages with diffrent elements on it. This idea only heighted my idea about the clients choice! they just the desinger based on designs so with my portfolio they can also choose the arragment in some sense.

new idea for portfolio!

after getting feedback on the pages i had made, i got to thinking about pages themselves and who might be looking at them. i didnt feel my pages reflected my creativity so i started to sketch ideas.

i only have a few pages and i thought this was abit of a let down, until i came up with an idea to have several pages from just the few i created.not only this but it would be the viewer that would created them!

porfolio pages

These were the start off ideas for my portfoilo pages, and the others would have been based on the same until i had an idea of the train which i hoped would work.

last minute postsss...

well please excuse me from the amount of post i may put on here in the next hour ive got to look through what i feel might be the best stuff to put on!